january 22, 2015

trying to take a break! 

So, here it is...2015 it's January and I am in Europe. I'm trying my absolute hardest to switch off the music and the art and take a break. Hilarious! Who am I trying to fool? Art and music is everywhere I look and it never goes away! I have had an interesting trip thus far starting with a tour bus crash in Iceland that was NOT fun. I have been to Iceland, Amsterdam, The Hague, Delft, Ghent, Bruges, Lisbon and I am now on my way to Prague. Lisbon was astounding! I LOVED it. I found it to be extremely inspirational. I have met some fantastic artists. Always feels good to see others doing what you are doing all over the world. Yesterday I visited the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam...wow. That was an eye opener. Really looking forward to sharing more art and music with you this year and seeing where it all leads me. I have big dreams and ideas..hoping to execute them exactly as I see them in my minds eye!

Hope to see you this year at my store in Dumbo, singing on stage, at a market or in Central Park!

december 29, 2014

thank you

WOW! What an absolutely incredible experience. I have never worked so hard in my entire life. Back when I was a teenager my dad had a seafood shop on the beach and I worked my butt off there. I felt like I was back at the fish shop..instead of fish it was my art! I want to thank each and every person who came and supported me, bought my art and my music, shared their life experiences with me, cried and laughed. Thank you to the friends who came to visit, to check that I was still alive!! Bringing tea, pumpkin spice soy lattes and FOOD! In the middle of it all I was called to sing on The Jimmy Fallon Show! It never rains..it pours! AND POUR IT DID!! (literally)

A Big shout out to My mum, Harvey Jones, Kaye Tuckerman, Rose Reiter, Ali Carter, Roberta Musolino, Jenny Bruce and Noah Hoffeld. THANK YOU! Having you think of me and bring me food/drink did NOT go unnoticed! 

The biggest shout out goes to Jeffrey Charles! Without you none of this would have been possible. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Lastly...THANK YOU to Urban Space for having me at the market. I had an absolute ball.


December 3, 2014

Natchie Art is open for business!!

the opening of the columbus circle holiday market

After many sleepless nights and hilarious nightmares of all of the things that could possibly go wrong with my market set up I am open for business and extremely excited to share my work with you! I hope to see you. I will be there everyday from now until the night before Christmas. The Holiday hours are as follows:

Monday - Saturday: 10:00am to 8:00pm

Sunday: 10:00am to 7:00pm

My booth number is A28.

I am right on the corner of Central Park West and Columbus Circle.

Don't let the snow, fog or freezing rain stop you! ha ha - COME AND SEE ME!!

November 20, 2014

12 days till december 2nd

the opening of the columbus circle holiday market

Well it's getting really close now and I think it might be safe to say I am losing my mind.

Dancing to "Popcorn" and working from 9 am - midnight every day. 


49 Days till December 2nd

The Opening Of The Columbus Circle Holiday Market

Drawing and selling in the park and drawing and selling in the park and pasting and making and pasting and making and drawing and selling in the park! Not sure if I will ever be ready! aaahhhhhh



SEPTEMBER 23, 2014

69 Days till December 2nd

The Opening Of The Columbus Circle Holiday Market

Today marks the beginning of creating one 11" x 14" original drawing a day until the opening of the Christmas Market! I am loving this as I really enjoy letting my mind roam free to see what comes out. Often it is a deep rooted memory from childhood or just a random thought inspired by something I may have seen on the street in NYC whilst riding my bike!

SEPTEMBER 22, 2014

70 Days till December 2nd

The Opening Of The Columbus Circle Holiday Market

Prints, prints and more prints!

SEPTEMBER 17, 2014

75 Days till December 2nd

The Opening Of The Columbus Circle Holiday Market

Ordered stock and had a morning meeting with the employees of Natchie Art about what moves to make and when...Hugo, Chachi and Adam Jones. Everyone was very receptive and came up with some great ideas.. :)

SEPTEMBER 16, 2014

76 Days till December 2nd

The Opening Of The Columbus Circle Holiday Market

Yikes! 76 days left for me to prepare for my first time at The Columbus Circle Holiday Market. Stressed and super excited I am! Today is all about cleaning the art space so that I can work clearly and begin the process of ordering stock. Pft...it is extremely hard knowing how much to order...what to order...what are my customers going to go crazy for? The framed art? The 3D Pendants? The matted prints? The journals? UGH!!

Why I Do What I Do

August 26th 2014

This little guy and his sister came to my table last week in Central Park. They were visiting from Italy. He was SOOOOO into my art work. Never have I seen such a young child be so interested. He looked at every drawing and asked a lot of questions. He giggled, sighed and talk about each character in every drawing about what they were doing. It seriously blew me away and filled my heart up to the brim. Today I received a message from his mum. This is why I do what I do. On days when it feels too hard and like I am getting no where a little guy like Giulio comes along to remind me to keep on going!!

The message from his mum:

Hey Nadia, this is just for you! Giulio: the boy staring at your projects at NYC Central Park Markets! (Sara & Giulio's bedroom is all set up with your wonderful pieces of art!) Thank you, take care  — at Central Park New York City.

Spirit's Promise

July 12th 2014

Yesterday, on the eve of my 40th birthday I was lucky enough to experience Spirit's Promise. It is run by Jeff Charles and Marisa Striano Charles of Spirit’s Promise Equine Rescue Program. I was performing with Blow Up Hollywood and also had a sing with the Nat Adderley Junior Quartet. An incredible way to end my 30's. I don't know much about horses at all. I am a massive animal lover being vegan and respecting all living creatures and their right to a life of freedom and joy. The gorgeous Marisa Charles took me on a tour of the property and I met all of the horses, goats, donkeys and chickens! To say it filled up my heart would be an understatement. What a massively spiritual night. One I will not forget for a long time to come. For more information on Spirit's Promise go here: HORSES